Posts Tagged ‘Cupcake’

Cupcake for all. That’s what the poster says. We didn’t know if it’s one of those account specific things but we really were delighted on the day the poster indicated.

30th of May was PRIDE-day of Service.

It rained cupcakes all over the office. Everywhere you go you see happy looking people with cupcakes. For some reason, that was the way I see it. 🙂

I never really liked being offered food from the office, honestly this is the first time I got to enjoy food coming from them. For some reason this one is different. I adored the colors on top of the icing and the pink icing seemed promising. The sight of cupcakes got me all hyped up and excited.

We received our cupcakes during a learning session and I even got to take our facilitator’s cupcake. Fortunately, we know him personally and he does not like sweets. SWEET! 🙂
We took some pictures of the Coaches’ Cupcakes and here they are:

Hi 5?


From an image to reality.
I’m trying to think of how to invent a gadget that does this. 😉

Up High!

Down Low!

All things pink and pretty?

Pink Wink? 😉

The Tough Guy and The Cupcake.